Align Counseling Center, Verona, NJ


We treat children, teens, young adults, men, and women struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, school or work-related difficulties, low self-esteem, family conflict, and a range of other life issues.

Align Counseling Center, Verona, NJ
Align Counseling Center, Therapy for Children
Joelle Dere, LCSW, C-SSWS
Founder, Clinical Director, Therapist

You’re Welcome Here…

No matter what you’re struggling with, there can be peace in your current situation and hope for your future. Hi, I’m Joelle Dere, and I founded Align Counseling Center as a safe space for children, teens, young adults, men, and women — and their families — to find support and healing without fear of judgment.

Based out of Essex county, our team of northern New Jersey therapists offers the unique ability to meet clients of all ages wherever they are in life. With experience in public schools, charter schools, outpatient programs, and private practice, our counselors joyfully help clients reach goals for personal flourishing.

Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we empower people to develop practical skills for managing anxiety, depression, and many other mental health concerns.



Align Counseling Center, Verona, NJ

With extensive experience in clinical and school settings, our team of North Jersey therapists is uniquely equipped to help individuals and families manage challenges arising at home, work, and school through effective case plans that equip our clients to flourish. We offer personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) sessions designed to help you build resilience and cope more effectively with life’s challenges.

Align Counseling Center, Northern New Jersey


Align Counseling Center treats a range of conditions including anxiety, OCD, and depression


Anxiety • Depression • Bullying • Relationship Issues • Phobias • Loss • Low Self-Esteem • Excessive Stress • Life Transitions • Family Conflict

Align Counseling Center - CBT, Family Systems, and Psychodynamic approaches


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) • Family Systems • Psychodynamic

Special Education Consulting, IEPs, and 504 Plans with Align Counseling Center


Special Education Consulting • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) • 504 Plans • Social Skills